There are many ways that you can edit your website, however this is based on a few conditions. 

  1. Was the ability to edit certain areas and pages included in your original website build?
    If so, then you will be able to access those parts of your website through the backend of WordPress, Magento, Shopify, etc.
    If not, then we will have to edit those pages for you

  2. Do you have the login credentials to your website?
    If you answered yes to the previous question and you also have your login credentials, then you will be able to edit pages easily!
    If you are set up to edit but do not have or misplaced your logins, please create a support ticket for us to issue a new set of credentials.

Steps to edit a WordPress page:

  1. Login to WordPress. The link to login will be “”

  2. From the dashboard, find the “Pages” section, which is listed on the left hand side

  3. Click on the page you want to edit

  4. Make changes to your text or images

  5. Click the blue “Update” button to the right
    *Note: it is likely that you will not be able to edit your home page, header, and footer. This is simply because in order for your website to look as awesome as it does, it needs advanced coding! To make changes to the homepage, please start a support ticket.

Steps to edit a Magento page:

  1. Login to your Magento dashboard 

  2. From the dashboard navigation, find the CMS tab. 

  3. From there, select either “Pages” or “Static Blocks.” (if you are able to make changes to areas, please review the instructions we have given you on the exact location of your editable areas)

  4. Change the text and images, but be careful to not delete necessary coding

  5. Click the orange “Save” button
    *Note: it is likely that you will not be able to edit your home page, header, and footer.. This is simply because in order for your website to look as awesome as it does, it needs advanced coding! To make changes to the homepage, please start a support ticket.